Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yard Bunnies

Here are two of the wild rabbits that hang out in my yard. The one in the foreground either heard me or saw me in the window with the camera. I have a pretty good yard for them, lots of cover and such, with lots of clover they seem to love eating. Seeing bunnies other than those that live with me happy is something that brings a bit of joy to me, i know mine are happy as i spoil them rotten. This was taken a day or two ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rabbits are marvelous creatures. We get their babies here. The momma comes and gives birth and usually one or two will be here almost to maturity and then take off. I like them.

It used to be that they ate all my white Dutch clover but I am not seeing that being pollinated like the honey bees used to work on it so it doesn't spread as much by seed at it once did.

Nice photo. Interesting post.